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101 Days Of Fun Characters

They only appear in the 101 Days of Fun ads, and the ads in the Newspaper. In one case, they appeared in the Adventure Party ad. They also appeared in a few wallpapers from the Community section of the Club Penguin website. They also appeared on the What’s New Blog a few times!


They might come back in 101 Days of Fun 2010 (if it happens).

It is possible that they are normal penguins.

Lots of penguins use the clothing these characters have and pretend they are famous.

Their names are unknown.

They are members.

The lime green penguin seems to have bad luck, as in the wallpaper that they are sledding, he is flying off.

They all are featured on a card in Card-Jitsu, however this isn’t a power card.

Some penguins hack to get their clothes.


One boy is a dark blue penguin, has a yellow ball cap, a silver watch, and an explorers outfit.

The other boy is a lime green penguin that has a red propeller cap, a brown unibrow, a green/blue polo, and black checkered shoes.

One girl is a peach penguin wearing the Freestyler, a blue ball cap, white diva sunglasses, a star necklace, and a music note shirt.

The other girl is a yellow penguin wearing The Flutterby, a camera, and an Spring skirt.

March 6, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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