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Tour Guide

The Tour Guide project began on January 26, 2007, with the intent of helping newcomers find their way around Club Penguin. To become a tour guide, a penguin must be at least 45 days old and have had no more than one ban (or sufficiently good behavior after a ban). Being a member is not required.

To apply, one goes to the Tour Booth in the Ski Village and takes a quiz. The eight-question quiz tests one’s knowledge such as to where things are located, puffle facts, game play, and so forth. Answering seven out of the eight questions correctly wins a Tour Guide hat, which can be found in one’s clothing inventory. Only those who have passed the test and have the hat are official tour guides.

The Tour Guide headquarters is the Tour Booth.

When a penguin wears only the Tour Guide hat and waves, a “Tours Here” sign appears. Another option while wearing the hat (with or without other items) is giving pre-written messages about the current room. To do this, one clicks the Messages icon, selects Activities, then clicks “Give a Tour”. Messages about the room will then appear. Even the HQ has these pre-written messages, even though only penguins that are 30 days and older and that have not been banned twice may access the HQ. The main purpose of a tour guide is to help new penguins around.

If your penguin is a tour guide and then is banned afterward, you will lose your tour guide privileges. You can retake the tour guide test if you want to.

March 5, 2010 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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