A Club Penguin Cheating Site

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New Video !!!

It Was A Sucesss!!!!!

There Will Be Three Parts To My Movie .


Its Gonna Be Awesome!!!!!!

March 5, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Rockhopper Bringing Back Red Lei

You Heard It From Me . I Think Its Coming Back . Your Probably Saying . OMG NO WAY. OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME.


Well I THINK Its True

Who Knows 😉

March 5, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Tour Guide

The Tour Guide project began on January 26, 2007, with the intent of helping newcomers find their way around Club Penguin. To become a tour guide, a penguin must be at least 45 days old and have had no more than one ban (or sufficiently good behavior after a ban). Being a member is not required.

To apply, one goes to the Tour Booth in the Ski Village and takes a quiz. The eight-question quiz tests one’s knowledge such as to where things are located, puffle facts, game play, and so forth. Answering seven out of the eight questions correctly wins a Tour Guide hat, which can be found in one’s clothing inventory. Only those who have passed the test and have the hat are official tour guides.

The Tour Guide headquarters is the Tour Booth.

When a penguin wears only the Tour Guide hat and waves, a “Tours Here” sign appears. Another option while wearing the hat (with or without other items) is giving pre-written messages about the current room. To do this, one clicks the Messages icon, selects Activities, then clicks “Give a Tour”. Messages about the room will then appear. Even the HQ has these pre-written messages, even though only penguins that are 30 days and older and that have not been banned twice may access the HQ. The main purpose of a tour guide is to help new penguins around.

If your penguin is a tour guide and then is banned afterward, you will lose your tour guide privileges. You can retake the tour guide test if you want to.

March 5, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Gamma Girl

Gamma Gal is a super heroine who works with Shadow Guy. She was a main character in the play Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal. at the Stage. She is partners with Shadow Guy.


 She wears a pink and white costume complete with a pink mask, cape, and a belt the says GG, her initials. Her color is often yellow in pictures but can vary depending on the players choice.

 Powers and Abilities

Can shoot glowing pink plasma from her hands.

Can shoot yellow lightning bolts when her plasma is combined with Shadow Guy’s shadow waves.

Can transform into a pink ball of plasma and fly around.


Gamma Gal, along with Shadow Guy, appear in Card Jitsu as a special attack.

Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal’s costumes are used in a play called “Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal”.

Members could buy both Shadow Guy’s and Gamma Gal’s costume.

She is a parody of Lava Girl (including her anger power) in the movie The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D.

If a penguin wore the Gamma Gal Costume and did the wave action, the penguin will do the Plasma Glow Wave (a pink, glowing circle will be floating on top of the penguin while his/her hands are raising up). The same thing occurs to Shadow Guy, except that it is in a different color, which is blue.

The Gamma Gal’s costume is also in the Treasure Book, which you can get for free by getting a toy code.

She appears on a membership card along with Shadow Guy.

According to the script of Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal, Gamma Gal’s power is called “Plasma Glow Wave”.

Some penguins call her “Gamma Girl”.

She is 1 of the 2 official super-heroes on CP.

March 5, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Club Penguin Banners

Im Making Banners 😛

March 5, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment